Sunday, June 29, 2008

Organic Candy ? Yes !!

We recently found that a small company in Murrells Inlet, SC is making small hand batches of

Double Pecan Toffee


Cranberry Almond Toffee

using organic butter and organic cane sugar. And better yet, the taste is fabulous!!

We LOVE it so much that we couldn’t resist getting some to try selling on our website. So.. we have a "New Category" at Grand Strand and Myrtle Beach Organics. Under “Organic Candy” you will find both of these candy items available in 8 oz packages.

These will ship directly from our home/warehouse (refrigerator) to you by US Priority Mail (1-2 day delivery) for a flat rate of $6.00. Unfortunately, until we see how much our customers like the candy, we have to exclude them from the higher discount matrix. They are, however, priced at 5% below the Retail Price.

You can check out the manufacturer at their website If you want to order from us in larger quantities, we can make special arrangements for discounts on price and shipping. Just contact us at Enjoy!

SPECIAL NOTE: We want to thank each and every one of our Registered Customers who receive our Newsletter and purchase products from us! We owe our very existence to you. We are sincerely grateful!!

We’d like to ask you the favor of passing along information about our on-line storefront to your friends and fellow organic consumers. We all “vote” with our pocketbooks each and every day when we make purchases. When more of us use organic products, we keep more acres of our precious planet chemical free.

We’ve been searching for an easy way for our customers to give us feedback about our products and service. We now have a listing at BizRate:
where you can enter a review of our store – good, neutral, or bad.

We also have an account at where you can become a “Reference” for us, or enter an “Endorsement.” These are just simple “Note Pad” entries to help us build our Reputation.

We thank you in advance for your support in our effort to build the volume of our business in order to be able to keep our discounted pricing at current levels.

Wishing you and your loved ones Health and Happiness,
Linda Murdock Send me email
Purchase organic personal care products

Monday, April 28, 2008

About Organic Products

The way we interact with our environment is extremely important to every part of our health and our future. We can grow crops for our use in foods and other products using synthetic chemicals as fertilizing and pest control techniques. Or we can use natural fertilizing substances and natural pest control methods in our farming.

The modern day tendency has been to use the “advances” offered to us by the chemical manufacturers as somehow better, convenient, and easy to use. But over time it has become clear that pesticides are killing our birds and fish as well as the intended insect targets (refer to Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson). Chemical fertilizers have contaminated our streams, rivers, and bays causing harmful algae blooms that kill valuable fish.

It was even found that the pesticide DDT (since banned by the government) was infiltrating into our water supply and food chain to threaten human health. Unfortunately, many of the chemical products put into our environment are very long-lived. Some, in fact, never break down into harmless components, but persist as dangers to life on our planet for many years into the future.

So over time, these events, as well as other events, writings, and studies, have brought many farmers and concerned citizens to value the more pure and natural approach to growing our food and herb crops. When we farm the land with natural organic nutrients and balance pest populations with natural predators, we are protecting the environment from chemical pollutants that can have far-reaching negative consequences. It has also been shown scientifically that organically grown products have higher benefits and nutritional value. So organic products offer superior benefits for human health and organic farming methods keep harmful chemicals out of our environment.

As consumers, when we purchase anything, we are giving our support to the company and methods used to produce the product. If we buy the chemically produced products, those companies will thrive and continue to use methods that are unsafe for our health and our Earth. If, however, we choose the organically produced products, we are supporting the farmers and processors who are using safer, natural processes that protect our health and the health of our Earth.

So every day, we make choices that can make a difference. We should always look for the organic choice whenever possible to encourage conservation of a clean and natural environment for ourselves and our future, and to pick the healthier choice for our own bodies.

Organic personal care products have become the specific focus of my efforts to educate people. I don’t think that most people realize how many dangerous chemicals we are putting on our skin and hair and into our mouth every day. When I became aware of it, I was truly shocked. It’s actually very hard to even find a shampoo, body lotion, or toothpaste that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. Fortunately, there is a terrific non-profit organization that publishes extensive information about harmful chemicals and which products are safer. It is called the Environmental Working Group at and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics at

Also, people need to be aware that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Skin is designed to transfer some substances out of and into the body. We have pores in our skin that reach down into the bottom layers of skin to enable us to perspire when we are too warm. The top layer of our skin is constantly throwing off old dead skin cells, while the new cells rise up toward the surface. So the surface of our skin with its pores to the inside is very open to outside substances. It’s very easy to see for yourself how a light lotion placed on your hand or arm very quickly disappears into your skin and body.

So personal care products are an important component of our health care for our bodies. And my personal experience is that organic products feel better on my body, make my hair clean, soft, and shiny, and get my teeth cleaner. I can tell that these products are actually healthier and work better than the products that I had used in the past. So far I have found three different brands that are truly using certified organic ingredients. I’m also looking at some other brands that I think are good candidates for my internet storefront. My hope is that people will learn from my information website: and consider purchasing from my storefront:

Wishing you and your loved ones Health and Happiness,
Linda Murdock

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